Monday, August 4, 2008


A few days ago, my mom took me to take my permit test. I was excited and yet nervous inside. I fell in line outside the DMV, due to long line it was hella hot standing outside, since it was crowded. Got a number and waited for my number to be called. Even if i felt all nervous inside, i had confidence in myself. I prayed the night before and before the test that i would pass this test along with my prayer of meeting phil and the jababwockeez face to face and up close in person. I thought about how it would be a waste of money just to retake it if i failed, but if i needed to retake it i would since i wanna drive. And plus i need that money for Freestyle Session and ABDC Tour to see my phil from the jabbawockeez (; And i still need a answer from my parents, into letting me to freestyle, like i mention, i need a answer already! I need them to take me more seriously, im not kidding, im tired of waiting for them to say something. It's making me mad. Happily, i passed my test ! I was a bit more happier since i ace it, i was able to refund my money, since they said if you get 100 percent, you can get your money. My parents were proud lol, haha. After the DMV, my mom and i went to budget to get my 80 dollars back. The guy was funny when he returned my money, he was all like "congratulations, so what are you gonna do with the money that you've earned?". I was all like, "i don't know. (Thinking in my head, Phil came to my mind lmao, and JABBAWOCKEEZ which led me to thinking about Freestyle & ABDC Tour.)". Honestly, im happy i took my test, but if things were to fall differently that day and having me not get a 100percent on it, and missing a few questions it wouldn't be a big deal, at least i passed right? I asked my mom if i could keep the money and she was like "sure." Behind the wheel awaits me now, i need to take that shit (which is hella expensive -__-) and i can drive and wait 6 months til i can get my licensce. But wth, it is hella expenisve, you have to take 3 days of behind the wheel right, but 2 hours is already $70 ! My parents will be bustin their butts tryna pay this off, i feel bad for them, i regret it and feel guilty at times, at times i just asked them for so much and they try their best to give me it. I'm quite assure, that my parents will start thinking twice about me going to freestyle AGAIN, since the behind the wheel class is so expensive. Forsure, I assume my parents will say that i can't go to freestyle due to the expenses for my driving crap. Now i have money for freestyle, but i need more, since there's ABDC Tour coming up. Patiently, i want to go to freestyle, hopefully i can go. Convincing my parents, to bring me there, or letting me go with some friends who is up to give me ride is still a unknowable decision. I'm attempting to just walk there, since it feels like i have no hope of having them bringing me there or geting a ride from someone, and probably since their so over protected. I want a miracle. Hopefully they'll let me, i've been beggin, and praying hard to GOD <3

Teen Choice Awards are on tonight, i'm just excited for the jabbawockeez to perform, other than that, i'm a bit dissapointed since i found out that jabbas didn't win any award, and i voted like non-stop for them. Ohh yeah, i'm gonna start listening for a girl who is screaming in the audience, since my friend CHRYSTAL, got to go the TCA live! I'll probably be screaming myself too but at home when i see Jabbas appear and perform on TV. PHIL<33